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News from Harlene Anderson



September-Marburg, Germany
Marburg Institute Summer Conference on Dialogue

Bilboa & San Sebastian, Spain 

ICCP and

July-Taiwan – online ICCP
July 6th-8th and October 25th-27th.

October 2024-Norway

October 2025-Okinawa, Japan
Japan Marriage and Family Association Annual Conference 

September 5th -7th -Marburg, Germany

September-Marburg, Germany

How to create dialogical contexts
Marburg Institute Summer Conference on Dialogue
September 5th-7th

September 10 -11 -Bilbao & San Sebastian, Spain

10 de septiembre – 10:00 – 13:00 
Conversaciones colaborativo – dialógicas en contextos de dificultad social.
Workshop – Harlene Anderson. <br>

11 de septiembre – 10:00 – 13:00 
Masterclass Harlene Anderson: Introducción a las Prácticas Colaborativas y


We can’t say “post-Covid” because its still with us,  but we can say “as Covid wanes and is being controlled around the world,” some life rituals have revived, and some have been reinvented.

2024 Recent and Future Trainings offered by Harlene Anderson

I have provided online training to several ICCP programs with focuses on CDP philosophical stance and basic assumptions, reflecting processes, ethics, and consultations.


In May Harlene Anderson had the privilege and honor to be in Beijing, China to present the plenary (Withness Practice: Moving from ‘I and ‘You’ to ‘We’) and participate in the Eighth Academic Conference on Traditional Chinese Culture and Postmodern Psychology: Organized by Institute of Psychology, China Academy of Science and sponsored by Venus Company. Harlene also met with the founder, some directors, and employees at Venus Company. Amazingly, this company’s operating philosophy is based on postmodern psychology and collaborative-dialogic practice. She experienced their culture and can verify they ‘walk-their-talk’. We are grateful to psychologist Haibo Zeng for introducing CDP to this growing community in China. To learn more please see: http://www.venusense.com/ and https://www.routledge.com/Collaborative-Dialogic-Practice-Relationships-and-Conversations-that-Make-a-Difference-Across-Contexts-and-Cultures/Anderson-Gehart/p/book/9780367741471


Good news: Issue 13, International Journal Collaborative Practice (IJCP) is now online. Please notice the new URL: https://journal.lib.uoguelph.ca/index.php/ijcdp/index. Please also note the link for archived journal issues is within this link. Errors in this issue will be noted and corrected (please see Errata in Issue 14).

Our sincere apology and generous thank you to authors who have been patiently waiting for articles submitted and accepted long ago to be published. No excuses.

IJCP  is hosted by Houston Galveston Institute, MacLaughlin Library, Un. of Guelph and The Taos Institute. The Taos Institute has generously sponsored the journal since its inception and we are grateful for their support. The MacLaughlin Library has an online journal publication system that will streamline our publication process and we are grateful they agreed to include IJCP in their repertoire. We thank the Library for their expertise and help with this migration and a special thank you to the Maplewoods Centre for Family Therapy and Child Psychology (University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada) https://www.uoguelph.ca/maplewoods/. The Centre joins the Houston Galveston Institute and the Taos Institute as hosts for the journal.

IJCP is a volunteer project. This migration and the publication of Issue 13 was made possible with the generous help of Co-Editor Saliha Bava, Managing Editor Mary Louisa (Papusa) Molina, Daniel Wulff, the staff of the McLaughlin Library media services, and numerous volunteers.

Please take a look.  

Please volunteer to assist with the journal (we need: translators for Spanish and Chinese languages to English, article reviewers, article line editors, and social media promotion posts).

Thank you,

Harlene Anderson

 Saliha Bava

Papusa Molina
Managing Editor


Many have met humanitarian Chris Kinman (in-person or through his writings, website, and his academic and art contributions to diverse communities). Chris was a valued colleague of Lynn Hoffman. To learn more about Chris and his contributions to this planet and people on it please see: https://www.taosinstitute.net/about-us/people/institute-associates/canada/british-columbia/christopher-j-kinman

For several years Chris has lived with kidney disease and been on a waiting list for a kidney transplant. British Columbia Canadian colleagues Drew Moore, Arden Henley, Jeffrey Borden, and Margarie Gobie created and manage a fund to help its beneficiary Chris Kinman during his incredibly difficult and expensive journey. To learn more about Chris and his complex kidney disease challenge please and the fund please see:

Please reach into your heart and contribute to the efforts to support Chris’s journey to better health and life, and to continue his humanitarian journey. Any donation, small or large is appreciated. To donate: https://www.gofundme.com/f/christopher-kinman


If you need a place for creative thinking and writing, check out the Orcas Hotel (San Juan Islands) Creative Residency Grant:


Diane Gehart has a new Ted Talk https://www.dianegehart.com/TEDx: Mental Health Unmasked: Unveiling the Secrets to… Diane, author, professor, therapist, is the coeditor with Harlene Anderson of Collaborative Therapy and Collaborative-Dialogic Practice (Routledge 2007 and 2023 respectively). She creatively puts her key points in everyday language, making them accessible. Please take a look.

Thank you for joining us

Past Events

February 1-3, 2024 – 11:00am-2:00pm EST each day

A 3-day online seminar with Taos Institute Vice-President Sheila McNamee and Taos Institute Board Member Harlene Anderson

Note: Certificate of participation available upon request for CEUs

Dialogic and Collaborative Practices

Have you ever wondered how to engage with curiosity when faced with different views, beliefs, and ideas? If so, we invite you to join us in February for a practical seminar embracing relational, dialogic, and collaborative resources for dealing with difference.

In this online, hands-on, intensive seminar (three hours each day), Harlene and Sheila introduce and discuss constructionist theory, dialogue, and collaborative practices. Given the challenges we confront globally, discussions will center specifically on the practical implications and applications of a dialogic and collaborative stance. In addition to demonstrations, there is ample space for everyone to share, interact, collaborate and support one another as we explore ways to bring these practices into participants’ own projects and personal or professional contexts.

Whether you are familiar with social construction and relational practices or new to these ideas, this intimate, intensive seminar is sure to make you feel welcomed and inspired. The small-group, virtual environment offers an opportunity to be in conversation with a diverse group of individuals from around the globe, who are working or who would like to work in relational ways. Three group meetings as well as a private group discussion forum gives you a chance to forge deep connections and to practice relational approaches — resulting in a transformational experience.

Readings and other resource materials will be provided prior to the course.


  • An interactive and collaborative environment where everyone engages in co-creating new knowledge
  • Customized discussions on how each participant can bring social construction, dialogue and collaborative approaches into their own work and life
  • Participants from around the world who enrich the dialogue with diverse perspectives
  • A small-group, intimate learning experience that generates long-lasting relationships